Monday 7 February 2011

What Equipments Are You Using?


This is the kitchen scene, however this has been taken out of our piece.

These where to two jesus piece that we used, white to represent good, and black to represent bad.

This is the bag where the money was put in.

This is where we shot the bed room scene. 

This camera was used to take pictures of our story boards, our location, props, etc.

This video recorder was used to record our footage, some of our diary entries, our animatic etc.
This tripod was used to hold up our camera and alternate the different level of the camera.

This is one of the location in our filming, This was the dead end sence, we filmed through the gate to show that they were trapped and that their was no way out.

This steps was used in the flashback scene. This is where we placed the camera, and made the two characters jump over the camera.

This is the rest of the location that we used for the flash back scene.

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