Audience is an very important aspect to the media industry, as without and auience the media insdustry would fail. There are various types of audience.
Mainstream consist of a large audeince/ the majority that listen or watch one thing. Example would be Salt, Takers, Sherk Etc.
Cult consits of a small, loyal group of people following a particular media text. Example Godzilla, saw, a nightmare on elm street etc.
Subversive consist of an audience that watch controversial media texts that could offend. Examples would be Family Guy, The Simpsons, South Park. Etc
Abstract is when the understanding is based on the reader as there is no narrative, so the reader creates the narrater. Example would be Eraser Head.
Alternative is different from mainstrem, audience enjoy media texts that are similar to mainstream media texts, but differ in various ways.
Release Date is rated 15 and i expect the audience for our movie to be more of cult, simply because our movie is directed to a particual audience, and not really to the older generation.
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