Wednesday 9 February 2011

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1day Is a movie set in Birmingham’s black community it tells the familiar story of a drug dealer thearted with death if he doesn't repay within three hours the £500,000 he's been holding for a fellow criminal just released from jail. The Birmingham police have attempted to have the film banned for its apparent aggrandisement of its characters and their way of life: understandable but misguided.

One day and our movie Release Date is similar as both our movies happen in one day, the audience is the same, b
oth movies revolves around crime, there both British movies, and also revolve around our everyday life.

Bullet Boy
Bullet Boy tells the a story about a boy (Ricky) who is just released from a young offenders' institute and determined to go straight. Instead, he heads into trouble when he becomes involved in a street clash and sides with his best friend Wisdom against a local gang member. The trouble escalates into a series of incidents that threaten to spiral out of control. Ricky's 12-year-old brother Curtis, adores Ricky but seems smart enough to know he doesn't want to follow his example. However, despite the warnings from his mother, Ricky's bad boy appeal might prove to be too attractive for Curtis to resist.

Bullet boy and our movie Release Date is similar as both movies have the same audience, both movies revolves around crime, there both British movies and both stories include what happen in our everyday life.

We decided to chose Bullet Boy because it revolved around our everyday life and One Day as it all happened all in one day. The key sence in One day which helped us with our movie was the whole idea of a boy leaving his money with someone who was close to him before going to jail and when the boy comes out of jail, the person who he left the money with does not have the complete money.

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