Thursday 10 February 2011

Hard Candy And Love Dont Cost A Thing Camera Shots And Film Analysis.

Hard Candy Rated 18.

Hard Candy is a 2005 psychological thriller film focusing on the confrontation between an assumed sexual predator and a not so innocent 14-year-old girl.

The movie starts of straight away with a point of view shot, as we see a flirtatious online conversation between a male and a female, we know this as the converstation colours is written in 'blue' for boys and 'pink' for girls. We later then see a close up shot of a chocolate cake to grab our attention and indicate something sexual. As the camara zooms out we see an establishing shot so that we are in a cafe. As we see the little girl and the older man, the actors are now being filmed on the same eyelevel showing there equal power, then gradually the camamra starts shiffting its angle as the older man becomes straryes and then changes straight back to a two shot showing the relationship between the older man and the younger girl
We are in a room with the walls paintes red and blue, red to signify danger. we see the same man from the cafe now tied to table, there is now a low angle shot of the younger girl showing she is now in power. As the younger girl starts to cut the older mans pubic area we then see a close up shot of the older man to show his emotions as he is in serious pain, and he is postioned against the red backround as stated before to show danger.

Love Don't Cost A Thing Rated 15.

Love Dont Cost A Thing is a 2003 teen comedy film based on the 1987 film Can't Buy Me Love.

Mid-way through the film Paris tries to convert elvin, and during this scence there is various types of shots being used. There is a cut away shot to move us into a new scence then we see a two-shot of both the characters followed by an extreme close up shot of Elvin face to see the pain he is going through, signifying that beauty is pain. We later see a cut in of Elvin hands, making the audience focus on his hand movements, then we see another cut in of her body to entertain the male audience followed by another two shot angle showinmg us the relationship between the two characters and then moves in to a close up shot of paris to shows her emotion.

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