Friday 11 February 2011

Introduction To Editing.

For my first pratice taske, we had to film a fighting sence using differnt camara angeles, so we could get use to it and how to editi and put it together.

This was my first time filming and editing.

Final Cut Express
For my first time ever editing , we were assigned to use final cut express. We where then taught    how to upload our footage on to final cut so that we could begin to edit.
  • First we had to connect the video recorder to the apple mac.
  • Then we had to set the setting, to the setting of the camera.
  • Then we had to click on file and system set up and choose where we want it to save.
  • Then we had to click on file and the press capture.

I learnt how to edit using final cut express, on this i learnt how to inpoint(where you want your edit to start from) and how to output (where you want your clip to stop). I also learnt howe to drag clips onto a time lime, alter a sound, use colour correction, makes clips blend, add titiles. etc.

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