Monday 17 January 2011

Release Date - Overview

Release Date

Release Date is a story about two half brothers who realise the saying “blood is thicker than water” does not apply to every family.

Thomas is from the ghetto raised by a single mum, he has a little half brother Jayde who looks up to him. Thomas has always had runnings with the law whereas Jayde is a school boy and stays off the streets. Thomas sets out one night to stick up a shop and demand money, while his little brother stayed ‘look-out’ round the corner. Thomas robs the money, hides it with Jayde and undergoes a short chase where he is arrested and incarcerated taking the full blame.

Time passes and Thomas’ release date comes around. As Thomas is released from a Youth Offenders Institute he visits home where he tells family about his time inside and approaches his brother about the money that he now depends on to turn his life around. All the money isn’t there and both brothers are forced into conflict. Jayde is then sent to find the money by midnight and tries different methods to raise the missing £3,000 but fails out right. The brothers meet in a quiet location where conflict blows up and Thomas points a weapon at his brother before telling Jayde he has errands for his little brother to run in return for his loss.

Thomas organises robberies for his little brother to raise the money. Jayde pays his brother £3,000 in cash within 2 weeks and continues to live the lifestyle that has been introduced to him. The robberies bring Jayde close to incarceration and just as he escapes that, he is confronted by a rival of his brothers from jail and is robbed and killed as a revenge signal to Thomas.

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