Monday 17 January 2011

Prelimary Task.

For our preliminary task we decided to film we decided to film two people from our group, Paige and Jayde. In our preliminary task we had Jayde walking up the stairs with a bag in his hand, we also had him walking through a door, which was meant to lead to an office where Paige was waiting for him, as Jayde opens the door he then the bag drops on the table, and then Paige turns around. As Paige turns around we now get a close up of Jaydes face as he stutters, we now decide to have an over the shoulder shot of Jayde facing Paige as she begins to open the bag. As Paige looks in the bag we have a quick cut in into Jaydes face to the bag, back to Jayde and then back to Paige. Paige now has released that what she was expecting is not what she got, we then have a close up shot of her lips as they utter words Jayde is not happy to hear.

In our preliminary task we have now learnt how to film and edit a character opening a door, crossing room and sitting down. We also learnt how to film a talking conversation and use various of camera shots, as well as learning to keep to the 180 degree rule.

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