Monday 17 January 2011

Release Date - Overview

Release Date

Release Date is a story about two half brothers who realise the saying “blood is thicker than water” does not apply to every family.

Thomas is from the ghetto raised by a single mum, he has a little half brother Jayde who looks up to him. Thomas has always had runnings with the law whereas Jayde is a school boy and stays off the streets. Thomas sets out one night to stick up a shop and demand money, while his little brother stayed ‘look-out’ round the corner. Thomas robs the money, hides it with Jayde and undergoes a short chase where he is arrested and incarcerated taking the full blame.

Time passes and Thomas’ release date comes around. As Thomas is released from a Youth Offenders Institute he visits home where he tells family about his time inside and approaches his brother about the money that he now depends on to turn his life around. All the money isn’t there and both brothers are forced into conflict. Jayde is then sent to find the money by midnight and tries different methods to raise the missing £3,000 but fails out right. The brothers meet in a quiet location where conflict blows up and Thomas points a weapon at his brother before telling Jayde he has errands for his little brother to run in return for his loss.

Thomas organises robberies for his little brother to raise the money. Jayde pays his brother £3,000 in cash within 2 weeks and continues to live the lifestyle that has been introduced to him. The robberies bring Jayde close to incarceration and just as he escapes that, he is confronted by a rival of his brothers from jail and is robbed and killed as a revenge signal to Thomas.

Realse Date - Script

Realse Date


JAYDE is looking at the bag of money having flashbacks of the previous year.


JAYDE and THOMAS are running with police sirens in following them.

Take the money and run!

What about you?


The flashback ends and JAYDE picks up the bag of money.

I got to go pick up THOMAS

Not again, don’t go into that cycle

I owe him, if it wasn’t for him, I’d be locked up and you and me wouldn’t be together

JAYDE walks out the door with a cutaway to THOMAS walking out of the prison gates.

Yo Bruv


How’s mum coping? She didn’t sound too good on the phone

Mum just wants you to wake up and realize that life isn’t all about guns and money

Yeah yeah I hear that, you got the money for me?

JAYDE drops the bag of money on the floor.

Yes Bruv, so we’re back on this thing?

(Stutters nervously)


I told you already I wouldn’t go back. Look what we’ve got right here



8 Millimeter

Amongst the weary tourist families and solitary businessmen
sits TOM WELLES, middle-aged, hair neat, suit crisp and
sipping soda from a paper cup, watching an ARRIVAL GATE.
gray. He's eating crackers from a cellophane package, AT THE GATE PASSENGERS arrive: the paunchy, graying men of First Class
g along. ACROSS THE TERMINAL Welles gets up and F
leading the pack, except for a handsome YOUNG REPUBLICAN poster boy hurryi nOLLOWS... EXT. MIAMI AIRPORT, CURBSIDE -- DAY Welles comes outside, squinting in the sun, moving down the
Welles moves to the nearby TAXI STAND...
sidewalk, looking back over his shoulder... The Young Republican is lead to a waiting LIMO by a DRIVER. INT. TAXI -- DAY Welles gets in, turning in his seat to watch behind. CAB DRIVER Where to?
et too close, don't let it get too far
Welles keeps watching, sees the limo pull away and pass. WELLES Follow that limousine. Don't g away. Just keep with it. CAB DRIVER You kidding? WELLES Nope.
R Uh, listen... you're not supposed to
The cab set in motion. Welles takes out cigarettes, lighting one, takes out a small NOTEPAD and makes notations. CAB DRIV E be smoking in here. I'm sorry, that's company policy... WELLES How about this... every cigarette I smoke, I give you five dollars?
the Young Republican steps out.
CAB DRIVER Okay... okay, yeah, that'd be good... EXT. MIAMI BEACH, "GOLD COAST" -- DAY In front of an Art Deco hotel, the driver opens the limousine door and ACROSS THE STREET Welles watches from inside the double-parked taxicab. EXT. MIAMI BEACH MOTOR LODGE -- DAY Not exactly four-star. "AD LT MOVIES EVERY ROOM." INT. MIAMI BEACH MOTOR LODGE -- DAY
. He watches some fuzzy ESPN on the t.v., looks at his
Welles is asleep on the bed, full dressed, hands folded across his stomach, snoring lightly, sweaty. INT. MIAMI BEACH MOTOR LODGE, RESTAURANT -- DAY Welles sits alone at the bar, eating a sandwich, bore d watch. EXT. MIAMI BEACH MOTOR LODGE -- DAY Welles walks across the parking lot, gets into his RENTAL CAR, starts it and drives away.

Prelimary Task.

For our preliminary task we decided to film we decided to film two people from our group, Paige and Jayde. In our preliminary task we had Jayde walking up the stairs with a bag in his hand, we also had him walking through a door, which was meant to lead to an office where Paige was waiting for him, as Jayde opens the door he then the bag drops on the table, and then Paige turns around. As Paige turns around we now get a close up of Jaydes face as he stutters, we now decide to have an over the shoulder shot of Jayde facing Paige as she begins to open the bag. As Paige looks in the bag we have a quick cut in into Jaydes face to the bag, back to Jayde and then back to Paige. Paige now has released that what she was expecting is not what she got, we then have a close up shot of her lips as they utter words Jayde is not happy to hear.

In our preliminary task we have now learnt how to film and edit a character opening a door, crossing room and sitting down. We also learnt how to film a talking conversation and use various of camera shots, as well as learning to keep to the 180 degree rule.

Tuesday 11 January 2011

Film Titiles Sequences.

Boogie Nights.

As the movie 'Boogie Night' starts off, we are opened to view a black screen with no image, with dull music. This is done to grab our attention and to also cause tension. As we wait in suspence we are then hit with a LOUD very cathcy  music as the lights come on with an imagie in bold pink 'boogie night' on a big banner, to grab out attention, straight away we are taken into their world of a diso night out as the camara starts to twirl and we then see another banner in lights 'RESEDA' wriiten in a cool blue, assuming that 'reseda' is a night club, and the cool blue implying the night is still young/cool/relax then the camara twirls back and then we see its surrounding and we are taken back to the 70's. As we see everythings taken in one shot simplyfying that its one night, one shot to get down and boogie. So from the opening scene we know that the movie is surroded by a life dance.

One Day

We see the title 'One Day' written in a white background, as that goes, we then hear traffic but no imagie of the traffic which symbloise its just an ordinary day in the urban city. We are opened to a birds view of a busy junction showing us the setting is in an urban area, the storyline is interlinked. The traffic now stops annd then the music changes more intensea as the camara rotates, we see the titles come together then shatters then we see a landscape of the whole city and from here we know that the film is set in the city. Then the camara moves toward a partical part of the city, changes to another part of the city and continues to do this to show that the film is happening in different parts of the city. Then we are brought into a part of the city as we see a group of boys dressed in black to indicate trouble, as they sit on the wall of houses, we then see a meduim shot of the boys and see that they are not only dressed in black, but are also wearing yellow bandanna's showing that the movie is revoling around gangs, we are then drawn into a  cut away shot of  two boys loading a gun, to creat tention and also keep are attention, straight away giving us the genre of the film has to do with gun crime and gangs and post code wars as another cut away shot comes in as we see the post sign 'Old Street E2'.