Wednesday 18 May 2011

Evaluation Activity 2.

In my opening scene for Release Date there is a representation of a particular social group. A social group are  people sharing some social relationThe social group in my film release date are young black youths, just like the social group in '1Day'.

Here we have Jayde from Release Date. Jayde's half brother is being released from jail and is expecting his little

half brother Jayde to pick him up and wants the £500,000 he's left with Jayde. Jayde is £3,000 short of the full amount and is pushed for time, Jayde is forced to return to his old life style he left behind in order to raise the money. One day follows flash's race against the clock as he's pursued by his girlfriend, who does not want him to go back into this cycle.

Here we have Flash from 1Day. Flash wakes up to a phone call from Angel announcing that he's being released and wants the £500,000 he's left Flash for safekeeping. Flash is £100,000 short of the full amount and is pushed for time, Flash is forced to strike a deal with Evil who more than lives up to his name. One day follows flash's race against the clock as he's pursued by a rival gang (The Zampa Boys), As Flash is part of OSC (Old Street Crew). He is also pressured by his three irate baby-mothers and his granny.

From the picture above, we can see that both the characters wear similar clothing. Both Flash and Jayde are wearing a hat and loosely fitted clothing, however Flash is wearing dark colours suggesting he is deeply involved in the crime life whereas Jayde is wearing neutral colours suggesting he is in between good and bad. In addition, both of their clothing represents the stereotypical views of what gang members look like.

Evaluation Activity 7.

Editing has shown me that it takes a lot of hard work and concentration. Looking back at my preliminary task i feel like i have learnt a lot of new things in the progression from it to the full product.

First of all i can now say i have learnt a very important thing. I have learnt and realised that the camera and the way a film has been edit can tell a story before words are even been spoken.

Improvement on Zoom.

I would say my biggest improvement was my use of zoom.
In my preliminary task i used zoom to show that Jayde was trying to escapes but however the zoom was rough and shakey. however i improved massively in my film as i zoomed in to his eyes, to make an effect that we the audience is going into his head, and it worked as it was steady, as i zoomed in slowly.

In addition my editing skills improved massivlely. i learnt how to blend muic, increase sound and decrease them. I've also learnt how to make new scences look more realistic. I have had a great time editing my opening sequence and would love to do it again.

Evaluation 3.

Evaluation Activity 1.

The title of our film is called 'Realse Date'. We as a group decided to call it this as we thought straight away without even seeing the movie it already set off to our audience a idea of what the film was going to be about. We also decided to call it this because the story happens all in one day, the day Thomas gets realsed. And thridly the reason why we called it this was because every title has a significant meaning, ans we thought calling it Realse Date it would bring attention to this one day, and give a tension about this day, if this day was gonna be the realse of something good or something so bad.

We decided to set Realse Date in the depride area of London as we needed the genre of our film to match the location, so we set Realse Date in Hackney (Stoke Newighton) East london. So we need an area to show estate which tells us it is an working class environment, leading to a high population of crime.

In the opening scene of Release Date we wanted to give away the story without giving it away, and introduce our characters through Mese-en-scense. In the opening scene we are introuduced to two characters.

Both characters are have their head covers to suggest that they are involved with crime, and both in tracksuits bottom. This tells the audience there are crime related without even watching the whole film.
 Here we used two jesus's piece to represent good and evil. Thomas is wearing a black jesus piece whilst Jayde is wearing a white jesus piece telling us the audience that Thomas is more involved in the crime life and has a negative impact on Jayde.

For my titles, i used a cold blue kind of colour and hard brick front. The brick front was meant to implie crime while the cold blue colour was there juxtapose the front use, as the cold blue made it more deeper than it is.

The film begins with Jayde looking at a bag with deep concentration, suggesting to the audience that this bag is of some importance.

Then a cut in to a flash back, joining the flash back to this bag as we see the bag continously in the flash back. 

And then we see it continuously in the present time, giving the audience the information that this bag is of importance to this character and has always been of importance to this character.

In the opening scene the characters are introduced one in an deep, focused way and the other in a way that conform to the dominate ideology of young black males.



However we are introduced too Thomas only in the flash back suggesting that he is of none existence somehow. but has a close relationship to Jayde.

Wednesday 11 May 2011

Evaluation Activity 6.

Through out my time on this course, i have learnt about different technologies from the process of constructing my opening film Release Date.

I used various technologies and online computer programmes to edit and record my preliminary task and my movie Release Date, which consisted of: 

Apple Mac Computers.

I used final cut express to edit all of my video footage such as my main task, preliminary task, recce, storyboard fight scene, audience interview etc. I found this software quite tricky to use at first as there were so much techniques to learn.


Youtube came in very handy. I used youtube to upload all my video footage such as my recce, preliminary task, diary entries, audience interview and storyboard fight scene. I learnt how to the export videos from final cut into quick time movies so they could be uploaded onto youtube.